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Home Inspections

Home Inspections

The Importance of Home Inspections
for New Homes

Buying a new house is likely one of the most significant purchases you’ll make. The process can be emotionally taxing and stressful. A professional home inspection can significantly reduce the risk associated with this significant investment. It’s prudent to understand the quality of your new home before finalizing the purchase.

Four Point Inspection - Florida

Evolv will check the home’s electrical system, plumbing, heating/cooling system (HVAC) and roof.

The Evolv inspector will provide the age, type and condition of the wiring, heating and plumbing systems, and roof.

Any serious hazards or deficiencies (such as exposed wiring, active leaks or evidence of leaks) that should be repaired.

Wind Mitigation Inspections – FLORIDA

Protecting Your Home Can Save You Money

Evolv Inspectors will document the presence of qualifying mitigation features on your home through a wind mitigation inspection may save
you money by helping you qualify for mitigation discounts on your insurance policy.

Common Wind-Damage Mitigation Features
  • Doors and windows designed to withstand wind pressure and projectiles
  • Storm shutters or panels that protect your windows and other openings from wind, rain and projectiles
  • Roofing materials and coverings that are rated to resist high winds and water intrusion
  • Attachments for walls and roofs that are specially designed to prevent the roof from being blown off by severe winds
  • Roof and building shapes that are more resistant to high winds
home inspections Tampa

Home Inspections: Cost vs. Value

The relatively small cost of a professional home inspection can yield significant dividends in peace of mind by identifying and addressing any issues before they become unpleasant surprises.

The Role of Home Inspections
in Risk Reduction

Constructing a home is a complex task involving various subcontractor groups, each responsible for different parts and systems of the house. Even the most competent builders might overlook some details.

It could be an untested plumbing fixture, a non-functional electrical box, or any other minor issue. Our professional inspection can identify such problems early enough for the builder/seller to correct them before you move in.

home inspection

New Construction Inspections

New construction home inspections are a critical component of ensuring that buildings conform to quality standards, adhere to safety regulations, and provide occupants with a comfortable living environment.

These inspections are an indispensable element of the construction process, as they facilitate the early identification of structural defects or faults, function as a quality control mechanism, and guarantee compliance with building codes and regulations.

It is imperative to schedule an inspection subsequent to the completion of the construction project, but before the final walkthrough with the builder, without any exceptions. It is also crucial to account for seasonal variations that may impact the inspection, such as heavy rainfall, snow, or heat, and make necessary arrangements.

Failure to conduct a thorough inspection can compromise the safety and comfort of the occupants, and may prove to be a costly mistake in the long run. Homebuyers should seize the opportunity to protect their investment by prioritizing the inspection process.

Selling Your Home with Confidence

Selling your home in today’s market can be challenging, with buyers having more options than ever. One way to stand out is by ensuring your home has been professionally inspected and is in good condition.

Sellers often choose to have a home inspection at the time of listing to identify any necessary repairs and determine the overall condition of their home. This not only acts as a powerful sales tool but also helps avoid potential issues when the buyer conducts their inspection. It effectively gives the leverage back to the seller.

home inspections

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